Rev'd Amanda Evans

Catch up with the Vicar – Postponed

29/11/2021 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
  • Monday 15th November 10-12 (St Gluvias Hall, Calver Close off West Street)
  • Saturday 20th November 10-12 (St Gluvias Church)
  • Monday 29th November 5-7pm (St Gluvias Hall, Calver Close off West Street) – This event has had to be postponed.  When we have another date, we will publish the details.

Rev’d Amanda would love the opportunity to catch up with you and find out more about your involvement in the church and the wider community!  Do you help with the Foodbank, at the Library, Brownies or helping the elderly?  Or perhaps you help to keep our beautiful St Gluvias church clean and tidy, with the flowers, polish the brass, ring the bells or organise one of many crucial church rotas or serve teas and coffees after services for instance?

All very welcome to come for a chat – whether or not you are involved in church life and whether or not you have a specific role – and for tea, coffee and cake at St Gluvias Church and St Gluvias Hall (or on Zoom or by phone).  Rev’d Amanda hopes to see you then!



Event Information

29/11/2021 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

