A short service to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The service will last approximately 30 minutes during which we will hear the Gospel reading telling of the infant Jesus.
Due to restrictions associated with Covid-19, this year places of worship are having to limit attendance at events this Christmas. In order to safeguard everyone, the service time has been changed and we are reminded that;
- Facemasks must be worn for the duration of the service and people are asked to limit their movements.
- Everyone will be asked to sanitise their hands upon entering and leaving the church building.
- Attendance at our services will be recognised as permission to record your personal details in order to comply with NHS Track & Trace.
- People can sit together in a group of up to 6 people max, providing they are in their ‘Christmas bubble’, otherwise all social distancing rules will apply.
- The singing of carols/hymns will not be permitted, although music will be streamed that is familiar to everyone in order to enhance the feel at the service.
If you are interested in attending any of our events this Christmas, you are kindly asked to complete the enquiry form on our website.
Thank you for your cooperation.