New Church of England measures that are now in place regarding the wearing of face masks following the Govt’s Plan B announcement this week.

Everyone is now required to wear face masks, the only exception being those leading worship and those singing professionally (if the latter is decided to be advisable) and wedding couples.  This means that we will require all adults to wear masks when in church including when sitting down and while singing from now onwards.

The good news, however, is that we are still allowed to  sing and also to remove our masks to sit and share refreshments together providing we are sensible and those serving them make sure to sanitise, wear face masks and handle as little as possible, which is much what we have been doing so far.

All of this is, of course,  also subject to change in line with Govt and C of E guidance.  Thank you for bearing with us through this latest period of change – while things around us may seem to be changing all the time, our God remains unchangeable  and faithful, for which I am currently very grateful!

Rev’d Amanda Evans