Priest-in-Charge of Mawnan to walk 75 Miles for Christian Aid – on Tuesday 11th May –

Rev’d Johanna Clare will be walking around Penryn, accompanied by Rev’d Amanda and others, taking in St Gluvias Church Community Hall and St Gluvias Church – ‘2pm Circular Walk Round Penryn starting from Glasney College, Roads and Steep’.

You are welcome to join the walk too, as it is hoped that this fund-raising exercise will draw attention to the work of Christian Aid.

More details can be found on the Diocese website including a link to a ‘Just giving’ page –

Christian Aid website$ja=tsid:64160%7ccid:12976544072%7cagid:130423704628%7ctid:kwd-88241334%7ccrid:519263554203%7cnw:g%7crnd:5884019061028556944%7cdvc:c%7cadp:%7cmt:e%7cloc:9045282&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_bCMsru68AIVg91RCh2ANAytEAAYASAAEgITb_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds